1. 自定义错误

1.1. Swift中的Error


A type representing an error value that can be thrown.

Any type that declares conformance to the Error protocol can be used to represent an error in Swift’s error handling system. Because the Error protocol has no requirements of its own, you can declare conformance on any custom type you create.

protocol Error


1.2. 使用枚举作为错误


enum IntParsingError: Error {
    case overflow
    case invalidInput(Character)

1.3. 使用结构体作为错误


Sometimes you may want different error states to include the same common data, such as the position in a file or some of your application’s state. When you do, use a structure to represent errors.


struct XMLParsingError: Error {
    enum ErrorKind {
        case invalidCharacter
        case mismatchedTag
        case internalError

    let line: Int
    let column: Int
    let kind: ErrorKind

func parse(_ source: String) throws -> XMLDoc {
    // ...
    throw XMLParsingError(line: 19, column: 5, kind: .mismatchedTag)
    // ...

1.4. 与NSError的关系


1.5. LocalizedError


public protocol LocalizedError : Error {

    var errorDescription: String? { get }
    // ...

1.6. CustomNSError


public protocol CustomNSError : Error {

    /// The domain of the error.
    public static var errorDomain: String { get }

    /// The error code within the given domain.
    public var errorCode: Int { get }

    /// The user-info dictionary.
    public var errorUserInfo: [String : Any] { get }


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