1. Functions and Methods

  • functions:跟对象不关联
  • methods:跟对象关联

Python function default return value is None.

1.1. help

myList = [1, 2, 3, 4]
myList.insert(2, 10)
print(myList)  # [1, 2, 10, 3, 4]
Help on built-in function insert:

insert(index, object, /) method of builtins.list instance
    Insert object before index.

1.2. def


def functionName(input1, input2, ...):
    function code here


def sayHi():
    print("Hello, how are you")

# function execution, invokation


def addition(x, y):
    print(x + y)
addition(15, 35)

1.3. gloabl variables, local variable

a = 5 # global variable

def f1():
    x = 2  # f1 function`s local variable
    y = 3  # f1 function`s local variable
    print(x, y, a)

def f2():
    x = 10  # f2 function`s local variable
    y = 17  # f2 function`s local variable
    print(x, y, a)


1.4. copy by value

a = 10

# parameters (inputs) are local variables in the funtion

def change(num):
    # num = a (copy by value) => num = 10
    num = 25

print(a)  # 10

can we ever change any copy by value global variables?

a = 100

def change(num):
    global a
    a = 25

print(a) # 25

1.5. copy by reference

a = [1, 2, 3, 4]

# parameters (inputs) are local variables in the funtion

def change(lst):
    # lst = a (copy by reference)
    lst[0] = 100

print(a)  # [100, 2, 3, 4]

1.6. comment function

def myAddition(a, b):
    """This function does addtion for inputs a and b"""
    print(a + b)


1.7. return

def myAddition(a, b):
    return a + b

print(myAddition(10, 18) + myAddition(26, 19) + myAddition(15, 17))  # 105

1.8. python playground

# Use exit() or Ctrl-D (i.e. EOF) to exit
(base) chenchangqingdeMacBook-Pro-2:python_practice chenchangqing$ python
Python 3.12.4 | packaged by Anaconda, Inc. | (main, Jun 18 2024, 10:14:12) [Clang 14.0.6 ] on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> 26 * 3

1.9. import functions


  • import math
  • from sys import argv

Some other common modules include:

  • request - 网络请求, bs4(for web scraping) - 网络爬虫
  • numpy - 图表, pandas, matplotlib, seaborn(data visualization)
  • random, sklearn, tensorflow(machine learning, deep learning) - 人工智能

Why is Python designed in this way?

  • 更少编译时间,因为按需使用
  • 使用命名空间,解决同名函数编译问题

1.10. keyword arguments

positional arguments:

def exponent(a, b)
    return a ** b

# positional arguments
print(exponent(2, 3))
print(exponent(3, 2))

keyword arguments:

def exponent(a, b):
    return a ** b

# keyword arguments
print(exponent(b = 2, a = 10))

myList = [4, 6, 3, 2, 1]

# myList is positional argument
# reverse is keyword arguments
print(sorted(myList, reverse = False)) # [1, 2, 3, 4, 6]

1.11. default arguments

when we define default arguments, we have to put all of them at the end; oterwise, we will see: SyntaxError:non-default argument follows default argument.


def sum(n1=10, n2):
    return n1 + n2
print(sum(12))  # SyntaxError: parameter without a default follows parameter with a default


# default argument
def sum(n1, n2 = 0):
    return n1 + n2

print(sum(12))  # 12
print(sum(12, 25))  # 37

1.12. arbitrary(任意)number of arguments


def sum(*args):
    print(args)  # (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
    print(type(args))  # <class 'tuple'>

sum(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
def sum(*args):
    result = 0 
    for number in range(0, len(args)):
        result += args[number]
        print(f"Now, the result is {result}")
    return result

print(sum(1, 2, 3, 4, 5))  # 15


def myfunc(**kwargs):
    print("{} is now {} years old.".format(kwargs["name"], kwargs["age"]))

myfunc(name="Wilson", age=25, address="Hawaii")

they can be used in one function at the same time as well.

def myfunc(*args, **kwargs):
    print("I would like to eat {} {}".format(args[1], kwargs["food"]))

myfunc(14, 17, 13, "Hello", name="Wilson", food="eggs")



def func(p1, p2, p3="three", *args, **kwargs):
    print(p1, p2, p3, args, kwargs)
1 2 3 (4, 5) {'x': 1, 'y': 3}
1 2 3 (4,) {'x': 4}
1 2 3 (4,) {}
1 2 3 () {}
1 2 three () {}
func(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, x=1, y=3)
func(1, 2, 3, 4, x=4)
func(1, 2, 3, 4)
func(1, 2, 3)
func(1, 2)

1.13. Higher-Order Function

def higherOrder(fn):

def smallfunc():
    print("Hello from small function.")



def square(num):
    return num ** 2

myList = [-10, 3, 9, 8, 10]

for item in map(square, myList):


def even(num):
    return num % 2 == 0

myList = [33213, 3243244, 32424, 423425]

for item in filter(even, myList):

1.14. lambda expression


  • 不给function名字
  • 作为higher-order函数参数是,可以使用
  • 自动return
result = (lambda x: x**2)(5)
print(result)  # 25
myTuple = (lambda x, y: (x + y, x - y))(15, 30)

lambda在higer-order function中使用:

for item in map(lambda x: x**2, [15, 10, 5, 0]):

for item in map(lambda x: x % 2 == 0, [15, 10, 5, 0]):

1.15. scope

name = "Wilson"

def greet():
    name = "Grace"

    def hello():
        print("Hello, my name is " + name)

    def hello2():
        print("greeting from hello2")



LEGB rule:先找local,再由内往外找,再找global,再找built-in(内建)

1.16. UnboundLocalError

a = "hello"

def change(x):
    if x:
        a = "We just changed a"  # a variable assignment
    print(a)  # Python created "a" local variable


# UnboundLocalError: cannot access local variable 'a' where it is not associated with a value
# 因为`print(a)`后,a就是一个local variable,但是没有对a进行赋值,就会出现这样的错误
# 同样change中的a是一个local variable,而不是global variable。
# change(False)

1.17. functions are objects

functions are objects as well! Therefore, we can assignment functions to another function.

def addition(a, b):
    return a + b

def subtraction(a, b):
    return a - b

addition = subtraction

print(addition(10, 5))

By knowing this, we should prevent variable assignment to the reserved words in Python.(Python won`t complain about this, but we will see bugs in our code.)

str = "This is my string"
x = 25

# TypeError: 'str' object is not callable
print("hello", + str(x))

1.18. naming restriction

  • 以字母或_开头
  • 区分大小写
  • 不能是关键字,list 应该使用 lst
  • 不可以用特殊符号,/?()!@~+#

1.19. naming convention(习惯)

Module name、Function name、Variable name: all lowercase, use _ if necessary

formal_name = "Wilson Ren" # 更倾向
formalName = "Wilson Ren"  # (camelcase - 驼峰)
  • Class name: Capitalized, Camelcase - 首字母大写,驼峰
  • Constants: ALL CAPITALIZED, use _ if necessary

Comparision: No need for ==, just do if my_var:, if not my_var: - 尽量不用 ==

haveBudget = True

if haveBudget:
    print("Buy house")
    print("Don`t buy houses")


not_have_budget = False

if not not_have_budget:
    print("Buy a house")
    print("Don`t buy houses")

1.20. Pythonic

  • readable, clean, easy, clear


a = 10
b = 5

a, b = b, a


# get_user_id(id) returns a tuple (name, age)
name, age = get_user_id(id)
print("The user name is " + name)
print("The user age is " + age)


b = 50
if 10 < b < 100:
    print("b is in the range of 10 and 100")

use in:

cmd = input("Give a command: ")
if cmd in ('dir', 'cd', 'echo'):
    print("valid command")
    print("invalid command")

1.21. zen of python

(base) chenchangqingdeMacBook-Pro-2:python_practice chenchangqing$ python
Python 3.12.4 | packaged by Anaconda, Inc. | (main, Jun 18 2024, 10:14:12) [Clang 14.0.6 ] on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import this
The Zen of Python, by Tim Peters

Beautiful is better than ugly.
Explicit is better than implicit.
Simple is better than complex.
Complex is better than complicated.
Flat is better than nested.
Sparse is better than dense.
Readability counts.
Special cases aren't special enough to break the rules.
Although practicality beats purity.
Errors should never pass silently.
Unless explicitly silenced.
In the face of ambiguity, refuse the temptation to guess.
There should be one-- and preferably only one --obvious way to do it.
Although that way may not be obvious at first unless you're Dutch.
Now is better than never.
Although never is often better than *right* now.
If the implementation is hard to explain, it's a bad idea.
If the implementation is easy to explain, it may be a good idea.
Namespaces are one honking great idea -- let's do more of those!


  • 24.8.29 2:29 updated

results matching ""

    No results matching ""